
Tuesday, October 11, 2005


While I did get an ipod nano for my birthday, I decided to return it... and get a bigger one! Seriously, for just a little more money (actually the same money as an ipod nano 4gb) I got a full size 20gb ipod, with a free fm transmitter and a free case. can't complain about that! Now I can haul all my music and then some.


  • umm... Although that's not a horrible idea. I think I would've stuck with the Nano, especially if you were going to use it for working out etc. They're less likely to ever break. And it's not as though the iPods are likely to break... it's just that if you drop them... they're fragile - they have a hard drive. Nanos use the flash memory. You drop it... it may scratch... it could potentially break, but there's less of a chance than an iPod. I guess just FYI... iPods are cool though. :) Sometimes that space is a wonderful thing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:26 AM  

  • Thanks for the info! Don't get me wrong, I really liked the nano... I just wanated a little more space. I currently have almost 5 gb of mp3's on my computer, not to mention the music I will be adding to the collection. This way I don't have to try and decide what music I want on there...

    By Blogger Maverick, at 6:29 AM  

  • On second thought... you better order the iPod with video. If you've already ordered the other iPod... you should be able to pay the difference (if there is a difference) within the two weeks. If you haven't... well you just lucked out with the new announcement. Be sure to check out the Apple website!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 PM  

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