
Friday, September 23, 2005

made it...

Done with the first round of exams. Caught up on all my homework. Life feels closer to normal, at least for now.

I have to say that politics is getting old. All the mud-slinging going on with the Hurricane Katrina aftermath is enough to make me want to throw my hands up in vain. Is that a proper respone? I think not; but it's the one that I have. Maybe we should put all of our effort into helping all the people affected by this, instead of pointing fingures all over the place. Crap happens. Let's fix it, and then worry about who might be at fault over something.

This country seems to be run by bunch of ego-maniacs. Try watching C-span for 10 minutes. These guys (and gals) LOVE to hear themselves talk. What ever happend to the idea of serving the people who elected you? (and no, that does not mean getting the most amount of pork spending for your state) There a few excpetions, on both sides of the isle, but they are few and far between.

I dunno... It's enough to make we want to stay home next election. I know that doesn't solve a lot, but?? I dunno...

Anyhow, time to head off to class. Ciao.


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