
Sunday, October 09, 2005

i think i'm nuts...

Why, you ask, do I start my post with a title such as that? Because. Its the truth. I am thinking about possibly double majoring. Why would I torture myself like that, you ask? A couple of reasons, actually... In no particular order, here are some of them.
1. I am probably going to be stuck here for while no matter what I do.
2. Because I started off behind in math this semester, it could quite possibly take me 4 and a half years to graduate anyhow.
3. Because of the above math dilemma, I may only be taking 12-13 credits for the next 3 semesters or so until i catch up.
4. The maximum # of extra classes I would need to take to acquire a second major (not a second degree) is 7.
5. Double majoring would allow me to fill out a couple of my semesters where I am not taking very many classes.
6. It wouldn't really cost me anything extra, beyond book costs, as anything between 12 and 19 credits is a set cost.
7. It would allow me to take the few extra classes for a closely related field, and get credit for it.
So, those are some of the reasons I am contemplating it. I need to talk to an advisor, and see what my schedule is going to look like just trying to do my one major before I decide if I really have time to do a second major. We shall see...

Speaking of majoring in anything... I suppose I should get back to doing some homework, if I want to earn a degree in anything other than Slackerism.


  • Umm....internships are something to consider too as a deterrent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 PM  

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