
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Well, I seem to be getting a little more regular about posting on here, even if it is only once a month.

I can't believe March is gone already. It seemed to go by so quickly. Life just seems to go faster and faster the older I get...

One week from right now I will be sleeping in our new (trailer) house! I am looking forward to it. It is literally double the size of the apartment we were living in. Be so nice to have a place that is all our own...

I really should be heading to bed, as its going to be another long day at work tomorrow. Hopefully get some good sleep tonight.


Thursday, March 08, 2007


I hate being sick. I am such a wuss when it comes to being sick. Luckily, it doesn't happen very often to me, but when it does......

I don't know if I just get sick worse, because I don't get it that much, or if I am just a big baby and whatever it is kicks my butt. I dunno. Either way, I'm not a big fan of this. Especially the whole "it doesn't matter how soft the tissue is, it still hurts to touch my nose with it" phase. That would be me right about now.

And alas, as the owner of your own business, its a lot harder to call in sick, 'cause if you don't do the work, no one else is there to do it for you. Oh well. Such is life.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lazy Saturday

Just hanging out this afternoon. Had to work for an hour or so this morning, and now I am watching baby girl. She's currently amusing herself on her playmat, playing with her toys. (Not bad for 3 months old!)

Meanwhile I'm amusing myself here, and keeping an eye on her. Mom's out running errands and enjoying a little time to herself.

Hoping to hear from the real estate agent about an offer we put in on a trailer house yesterday. They have 'til 8 pm today to respond to the offer, so I hope we hear something tonight!

That's about all that's worth noting at the moment, other than it almost feels like spring out...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

had a couple days off of work now, so that's been nice. Have to hit the grindstone again tomorrow. :( Oh well, what can ya do.

Went to the Helena Brodal Showcase this weekend and might have a couple leads for shooting some weddings this spring and summer! Looking forward to that.

Other than that? Its getting late, and I should be doing something more useful than this, probably...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wow, been a long time...

So I've realized that its been almost a yearsince I've written anything on this site. That's a long time. I'm sure that anyone who actually did take the time to read this wite has long since checking back... (Crickets chirping in the background)

But that's okay. Who needs those guys anyhow? :)

Lots of changes since the last update... Started a drywall taping company with my brother-in-law, started shooting weddings and portraits (and getting paid for most of it), working on starting another company to flip houses with (and hopefully make a small pile of cash with), and most importantly added to the family! So as you can see it's been a busy year.

Currently waiting for my webiste to be designed and built, and at that point this and my photo blog may both be folded into that domain. We'll see if I can figure that out or not.

I hope to actually begin posting here again, and hopefully more than the mundane udaptes of my not that thrilling but way too busy life. We'll see of that comes to fruition or not. :) G'night for now...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

been a while...

I know, I know... I''ve just been busy! Just thought I'd let y'all know that Ihave a few of my photos poster here:

Hope you enjoy them! I will try and get a link up over here -----> soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I finally feel like real, live person again! All that's left of my cold are some sniffles and a bit of a cough. Other than that, I am feeling dang near 100% again...

Man, it's a gorgeous day outside here... The sun is shining, although it isn't nearly as warm out as looking out the window would suggest. Oh, well. I won't complain. Might go take some pics after I do my Calc homework... I have a test roll due next week that we have to start developing in the lab. I am looking forward to that!

And just for kicks and giggles, if you like cars, check out the new Dodge Challenger. I'm not wild about the interior, but the exterior is pretty kickin'!