
Sunday, September 11, 2005

back at it?

So, yeah, I lied.

I always say i am going to get back to blogging, and then I never do, do I? Well, maybe it will actually be different this time. I am back at school, with high speed wireless internet in my house, so maybe I will actually have time to post now and again. Whether or not I have anything worthwhile to say is a whole different matter.

School is going well so far. I forgot how much I actually enjoy learning. At least most of the time, anyway. I think I only have one class that I find boring. Other that that I enjoy all of them for the most part, even my math class!

Married life is good. Not always what you think it will be, but definitely good. Last Monday was our 6 month aniversary, so I took my girl out for a nice itilian dinner. Always a good thing.

Anyhow, I should go do some homework now...


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