
Monday, November 14, 2005

one of those days...

I'm cold, Ihave a massive headache, and I'm supposed to be goiong to class in just a bit. Did I mention it was snowing outside? Too bad I don't have a fireplace and a good book... That's what I'd like to be doing for the rest of the night.

So... After blowing through an entire season of Lost in less than a week, I'm left to wonder what is going on currently. I don't want to start watching this season, and lose what happend in the episodes I've already missed... I could buy those episodes of itunes, and watch them on the computer, but I'd like to think I'm not that desperate. Besides, at this time of the school year, with motivation running at an all time low, (as it tends to do about this time of year) I hardly need any more distractions than I already have in life. I month and I'll hasve this semester in the bag... There is a light at the end of the tunnel...


  • whatever you do, DO NOT watch the new episodes unless you can see them from the beginning of season two, it will ruin everything! and desperation is relative, how much is it per episode? lol....

    p.s. we're in the middle of a wicked snowstorm here too...windchills and everything....

    By Blogger j.k.a, at 8:08 PM  

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