
Thursday, October 27, 2005

i've sold out again...

Why do I say that? Because I am about to start watching the first disc of the first season of Lost. I have heard enough about it, and read enough about it, that now I am curious. So? We'll see hoqw it goes. From everything I have heard, its quite good and quite addicting. I have high expectations. We'll see if it lives up to them....

In other news which no one cares about, my sell out computer should be here tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. It will be nice to have a desktop again. Laptops are nice for the portability, but there's just some things that you can do much better on a desktop.

Other than that? I finally got motivated today and cleaned the house, did the dishes and the laundry, and got my homeworl for tomrrow done. That's a first. But, at least it looks like I am caught up on my homework, which is a good thing. Didn't want to have to try and get a bunch of stuff done next weekend, because we all know that it wouldn't, so that's a relief. *Sigh* Everytime I think of this trip, the only thing that comes to mind is driving 11ish hours. By myself. Trying not to think about it, but it is just kinda looming out there. Anybody want to come?

Anyhow, time to start my new adventure in TV land. I'll let you know how it goes.


  • oh man, you're going to be hooked...trav and I watched lost only in nine and tweleve hour marathons....

    and take your i-pod on the drive, you're never alone if you have good music....hhm... I should trademark that...

    happy watching!

    By Blogger j.k.a, at 9:23 PM  

  • well, we watched 2 episodes last night... i'm intrigued, but not completely... not quite what i was expecting, maybe? not sure... i think we're going to watch the 3rd episode tonight.

    and yeah, i will have my music... yeah, you should sell that slogan to apple or something... lol...

    oh, and one more thing... tahnks again for putting us up. that was too nice of you!

    By Blogger Maverick, at 12:30 PM  

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