
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

bang head here...

I need to be working on an essay that's dun in like 3 hours. I am trying, really, but I am having a heck of time coming up with an appropriate subject. Its for architecture, and is yet another lame assignment in a whole string of them for this class. Oh, well. Only like 4 weeks left of classes, and then finals... I will be glad when this smemester is over.

There are possible changes coming up for us at the end of this semester... I can't really eloborate on them at this point, but there is something that might just change a lot of things come december or january. No, there are no little ones on the way, for any of you that might be thinking that. We should know more in the next few weeks, and once we have some solid information, I can talk about it here.

Other than that? its cold here, and we have like 6 inches of fresh snow. Trying to get all caught up on my homework. That's about the most exciting info I have at the moment...


  • sure, go ahead and be all cryptic, knowing that some of your readers are the more curious feminine type and will be nearly beside themselves trying to figure out the

    we'll be praying for the both of ya....and hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    By Blogger j.k.a, at 8:47 PM  

  • Lol, I wasn't trying to drive ya bonkers... although it does make me chuckle a little bit.... :P Trust me, you can know as soon as we know, lol... Thanks for the prayers... they are much appreciated!

    By Blogger Maverick, at 9:39 AM  

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