
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

catching up

Been a little while.

Thanksgiving was good. Got to hang out with fam and all that kinda stuff. Didn't do any homework, which has made life quite busy since I've gotten back. Only this week and next, and then finals! I'm done with school 2 weeks from tomorrow, I think. I'm looking forward to the 3 weeks or so I get off, even if I am working. At least my mind will get a bit of a break.

In other news, I've finally bought another film SLR. My dad wanted his old Pentax K2 DMD back... :( For being almost 30 years old, it takes amazing pictures. But, I found what appears to be a pretty stellar deal on a Nikon N80 body. I got it off eBay, so I have to wait until it shows up to make sure I got what I paid for. So far, I've had pretty good luck with eBay. Anyhow... This particular camera has supposedly only had about 5 rolls of film through it, as it was someone's backup body. From the pictures, it looks brand new. It also came with the battery grip (which I wouldn't do without). All for the lovely price of $200. As long as it is in the condition he claims, it is a great deal. I sold my first N80 about a year an a half ago to buy a Nikon D70 when they came out. I've regretted it ever since. I sold the D70 a couple months later because I had borrowed money to buy it, and because I was not impressed with the picture quality. So, I've been without a camera of my own for over a year. Looking forward to getting it in the mail sometime soon! Now the only thing is I need to scrape together some money to buy a lens of some variety. I think I will pick up this one first, as I love 50mm lenses, and I can get it brand new for about $100. Which is crazy, because it is one of the highest rated lenses (optically) that is out there.

Other than that? I am trying to get into a photography course next semester. It is pretty basic, but I am sure I would learn some good fundamental stuff. The big draw is that it is all black and white photography, and you get to spend a bunch of time in a darkroom developing your own prints. That is something I've always wanted to do, so? It doesn't cost me anything more to take another class, so why not? I won't know until early January if I get in or not. But? Here's hoping.

I suppose I should get back to my homework. Just needed a break, I guess...


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