
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

just a minute...

Just a quick post before I have to go to class. We are assembling bridges that have made. The interesting thing is that they are made completely out of newspaper and scotch tape. Ours has a span of just over 7 feet, and will support probably 1/3 of its own weight at the center. Not too shabby for being made out of newspaper. Maybe I'll post some pics of it later...

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Man, I haven't done hardly anything today. Not nearly as much as I would have liked to. Yeah. I did get some stuff done. I have a shed I need to be putting together before it gets any colder. I have a lab report that is due on tuesday that is going to take WAY too long to write. Other than that, life is just peachy. I cant wait until I am an engineer.

Friday, September 23, 2005

made it...

Done with the first round of exams. Caught up on all my homework. Life feels closer to normal, at least for now.

I have to say that politics is getting old. All the mud-slinging going on with the Hurricane Katrina aftermath is enough to make me want to throw my hands up in vain. Is that a proper respone? I think not; but it's the one that I have. Maybe we should put all of our effort into helping all the people affected by this, instead of pointing fingures all over the place. Crap happens. Let's fix it, and then worry about who might be at fault over something.

This country seems to be run by bunch of ego-maniacs. Try watching C-span for 10 minutes. These guys (and gals) LOVE to hear themselves talk. What ever happend to the idea of serving the people who elected you? (and no, that does not mean getting the most amount of pork spending for your state) There a few excpetions, on both sides of the isle, but they are few and far between.

I dunno... It's enough to make we want to stay home next election. I know that doesn't solve a lot, but?? I dunno...

Anyhow, time to head off to class. Ciao.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

with a little luck...

With a little luck I might actually make it through this week with some decent grades, and my head screwed on still... I hate exams... Yep.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


My birthday is coming up soon, so you should all be peparing to send me money...

10's and 20's should be fine...

in the air

Just got back from a pretty good cardio workout at they gym. Trying to get back into the habit of being there. Have a goal to loose a few pounds before I have to be in a wedding in Nov. Don't have a lot of time, but I am sure going to give it a try.

I should probably be studying, as I have a math exam in an hour and a half. But, I think that I have the material down pretty well. So, I am not worried about this one. I am, however, worried about my Chem exam on Thursday. That one is not going to be fun, and I don't have the material down all that well. I really need to get my act together on that one. Plus I have a whole bunch of other stuff do this week. So, sitting here and typing this is probably a luxury I don't really have, but that's okay.

On another note, I think that I starting to get a little direction as to where I want to go with my education. I have known from the beginning that I was going to do Civil Engineering, but there are quite a few different sub-disciplines. Initially I thought I might head into structural engineering, but after getting some info over the last few weeks, and doing a little research, I think I might end up in environmental Engineering. No, that does not mean I will be a raging environmental lunatic. Nor does it mean that I will be a certified tree-hugger. It simply means that I will engineer things related to the environment. These could be waste water plants, water treatment facilities, hazardous waste disposal, and whole variety of other things. One of things I would like to work on is water treatment, and more specifically, how to get clean water efficiently. I have heard this now from a couple of sources and is true as far as I know it, and that is that one of the biggest challenges in the world today is getting everyone access to clean water. So, that is just an interesting side note on my education for anyone who cares.

Anyhow... I suppose I should get my nose back in the books. More later...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

back at it?

So, yeah, I lied.

I always say i am going to get back to blogging, and then I never do, do I? Well, maybe it will actually be different this time. I am back at school, with high speed wireless internet in my house, so maybe I will actually have time to post now and again. Whether or not I have anything worthwhile to say is a whole different matter.

School is going well so far. I forgot how much I actually enjoy learning. At least most of the time, anyway. I think I only have one class that I find boring. Other that that I enjoy all of them for the most part, even my math class!

Married life is good. Not always what you think it will be, but definitely good. Last Monday was our 6 month aniversary, so I took my girl out for a nice itilian dinner. Always a good thing.

Anyhow, I should go do some homework now...