
Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Life can be so much about perspective... Random thought of the day.

Done with two finals, one more to go. Had my Math final @ 10 this morning... Hopefully I did well. Thursday morning is Chem, and then I'm scott-free.

So, with my final done for the day, and my brain feeling a little over cooked, I decided to go out and about on campus for a bit. I just bought a Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG lens for my Nikon N80, so I thought that I'd go give it a try. I grabbed my iPod to accompany me on my adventure, and went wondering around campus for a bit. Found some fun shots, not sure if any of them will turn out, but it felt good to be out shooting after so long. I think its about one of the most relaxing things for me to do. Great stress relief. I am going to try a couple macro shots to burn up the rest of the film, and hopefully have them developed tonight. I can't wait to see how they look!

Anyhow... That's the most of what is going on here. I gotta go do some dishes now.... :)


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