
Monday, August 30, 2004

almost there...

after tonight, i will not have any more school to do, until i take another class. hallelujah!

Friday, August 27, 2004

on my part...

for wahtever its worth, i am going to do whatever i can on my part to see that i am the next deputy sheriff of Lewis and Clark county. and with some help from above, it just might happen...

Thursday, August 26, 2004


today i want to live... not just exist.

and that's more than i've been able to say for a while.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

yeah yeah yeah

so, its a lazy sunday afternoon, and its raining.

just so ya know.

not too much going on today. i've slept a lot, and done almost nothing that i should have. oh well. i went to church, then had a nap after lunch. then i hung out with my brother, and we went to a birthday party. now i'm killing some time until i am supposed to go to a going away party for a co-worker, which i really don't want to to attend, but will anyway. that about it does it for my day so far. other than that? i've half ignored a good friend all day, b/c i don't know what to do with her. i don't know how to treat her, b/c i think i've goofed it all up, and the undoing of it all is going to be painful, for both of us. frigging emotional attatchments. and to top it all off, i like her best friend. yeah, this could get complicated. or maybe not. maybe i should just walk away from the whole thing, i don't know. some days i think that would be a lot easier. but? in other news... i ran my 1 1/2 miles in 12:45 last night, which is a good 45 sec. beyond what i need to do to pass my test for the sheriff's office, so? i was pleased with that. but, i guess i don't really have anything more to say, so? cya.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

dumb and dumberer...

yeah, no offense to anyone one of the following gender that i know, but...

girls can be really dumb.

and that's all there is to it.

Friday, August 20, 2004

oh yeah...

did i mention that clearance racks are the bomb? cheap clothes are a good thing...

sunshine in my eyes?

sunshine seems to be creeping in throught the windows...

and just maybe i'm gonna buy a ticket sometime soon... :)

ever been to New York City in the fall? me either......yet.

Saturday, August 14, 2004


i made 440 posts on my old blog. that's a lot.


i just realized that i don't have links posted on here... i should prolly take care of that. i will try to soon.

i also realized that my last post was rather rant-ish; and a bit more than really needed, at that. but? it happens, i suppose. life doesn't seem quite so dire on a sunny saturday morning, ya know? lol... but, i did put in my application at the sherrif's dept., for better or worse, so we'll see where that goes, eh?

today is pretty much a lazy day. i have to work for a couple hours, but other than that, i don't really ahve too much going on, ya know? its kinda nice. and on that note, i'm out.

Thursday, August 12, 2004


right now, my life feels like 13 shades of disaster. i need to be making some important decisions, and yet... i can't seem to figure out what the heck i am supposed to be doing, and its starting to make me angry. my head is spinning, i am confused, way too tired, getting conflicting guidance and direction, and to be perfectly honest, i'm about one step away from not caring one dang bit. its my life, right? so who cares if it gets goofed up? if i don't care, then i guess no one shoudl either. i'm not talking about anything stupid here, just some things that would be kinda nice to have sorted out. anyhow.... i am done ranting for the moment. goodbye.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

blogging for nothing?

so, i don't know why i bother with a blog anymore. i never have too much to say that seems to be interesting, and i don't think that anyone really reads it anymore, so? i dunno... not a lot going on here, i guess. nothing exciting, anyhow. but? i dunno... life could change at any moment...