
Saturday, July 24, 2004

back to basics...

well, i think that it is time for just that.  time to get back to basics.  i think that i have made my life more complicated than it needs to be over the last few weeks, and it is just time to take to back to what i know.  i don't know precisely what that all means, but i know that i need to let go of some stuff...  change a few things...  just be me, and let the world do what it will, i think.  how that's all going to take place, i'm not rightly sure just yet, but?  i just know that emotionally, i've taken on too much.  and its time to let go of some baggage.  so here's goodbye to all the stuff that isn't moving me forward...  

on another note...  tonight is just weird.  i am kinda out of sorts.  i am really antsy to get out of town, although i am not sure why.  i feel like i just need to get away from it all...  i need a vacation from my life, i think.  :)  anyhow...  i guess i don't have anything more important to say.  g'night all. 


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