
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cool Stuff

If you want to see some awesome landscape photos, you should see Edmond Leys' stuff. Check it out!


Life can be so much about perspective... Random thought of the day.

Done with two finals, one more to go. Had my Math final @ 10 this morning... Hopefully I did well. Thursday morning is Chem, and then I'm scott-free.

So, with my final done for the day, and my brain feeling a little over cooked, I decided to go out and about on campus for a bit. I just bought a Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG lens for my Nikon N80, so I thought that I'd go give it a try. I grabbed my iPod to accompany me on my adventure, and went wondering around campus for a bit. Found some fun shots, not sure if any of them will turn out, but it felt good to be out shooting after so long. I think its about one of the most relaxing things for me to do. Great stress relief. I am going to try a couple macro shots to burn up the rest of the film, and hopefully have them developed tonight. I can't wait to see how they look!

Anyhow... That's the most of what is going on here. I gotta go do some dishes now.... :)

Friday, December 09, 2005

the finish line...

Today is the last day of classes for the semester! Yeah! 3 finals next, and then almost a month off... Thursday afternoon next week I'm finshed! :)

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I got a 91 on my chem exam tonight! That makes my night! With that good of a score, it bumps me up to just barely getting an A in the class. Now if I study my brains out for the final, and do well on that too, then I have a good chance of getting an A or an A- in that class. Which, being that it's a 4 credit class, it would seriously help out my GPA. Yeah, so that makes my night.

In Other News...

Appearantly Bono is trying to claim that he was the one who invented the mullet.

Why he wants credit for this, no one knows.

The other person in the running is Partick Swayze. If i were Bono, I'd let him have ALL the credit.