
Thursday, January 19, 2006


I finally feel like real, live person again! All that's left of my cold are some sniffles and a bit of a cough. Other than that, I am feeling dang near 100% again...

Man, it's a gorgeous day outside here... The sun is shining, although it isn't nearly as warm out as looking out the window would suggest. Oh, well. I won't complain. Might go take some pics after I do my Calc homework... I have a test roll due next week that we have to start developing in the lab. I am looking forward to that!

And just for kicks and giggles, if you like cars, check out the new Dodge Challenger. I'm not wild about the interior, but the exterior is pretty kickin'!

Monday, January 16, 2006

yeah yeah


That's what I feel like mostly. I've got a cold that's kicking my butt. Hopefully a good night's rest tonight and I can be over it mostly.

Nothing else too terribly exciting going on... I have some Calculus homework to do tonight. More blah.

Anyhow... Time to go do that, I guess...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

been a while...

Well, the break is over and its back to school for me. Got some work over the break, made a few dollars, which is always good.

Christmas was good... Fun to spend time with the family. Got some cool stuff, including a nice camera bag. Which was much needed as I got into some rangefinder photography over the break, and I've ended up with about 3 of them, lol... Good thing they're cheap!

Other than that? Class started today. I got into a photography class this semester, which is awesome. It starts tomorrow... Get to do a lot of darkroom work, so that should be a lot of fun! Anyhow... Should probably go do some reading...