
Thursday, November 11, 2004

all around the world...

well, not really. it was just the first thing that popped into my head, so i wrote it there. that can be a dangerous thing, but it turned out okay this time.

nothing too exciting to report, at least not that i can think of...? just hanging out, finally a little time to get caught up on my life. listening to some tunes, writing some emails, things of that nature, ya know? unlike so many people, i had to work today. (you are all bums, by the way) i am listening to Our Lady Peace's Gravity cd right now. i love this cd, and i haven't listened to it in quite some time. its good!

i feel like writing tonight, but i don't know what to write, really. i have been doing a lot of thinking as of late. trying to decide what i am doing in the next while that i have... there a lot of options, and so many of them seem good. i don't know what to do yet, although i am starting to get a better picture of what it is that i think is the best. i dunno just yet, though. some more thought and some more prayer are yet required.

well, i think i am done blabbing for the time being. i hope everyone out there has a wonderful night!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

life is crazy...

so, i finally seem to have my life organized a bit, at least for the moment. i am not sure where things stand with my trip right now. i am going back to school in the fall, so that will be good. but, it doesn't leave me a lot of time between my sisters wedding, and when i have to get to school, so? i need to talk to my pastor and find out how we want to work things with all of that. i am super excited to go back to school. it is going to be good!

on another note... i got back together with my last girlfriend. after some time apart, she decided that she had made a mistake, and wanted to get back together. after some thought, i decided to go with it, and so far it has been awesome! our relationship is so much better than before. not that it was bad before, but it is just that much better now, ya know? so, thats where i am at.