
Sunday, October 31, 2004

what a weekend...

its been crazy. i worked most of a full day on saturday, then found out at noon that i had to be out of my appt. by tonight. yeah. so, after work i helped move my roommate out (hurrah!) and then today i had church and then had to move all my stuff out. yikes. so, most of my stuff is out in a friend's shed, and the rest is crammed into my parent's house, where i will be residing for the time being. and that's my story. so, needless to say, my weekend was pretty much non-existant, and now i am tried. yeah. g'night.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


life is crazy! i don't mind it really, as it is all very exciting, but sometimes it just makes my head want to spin! i just found out this afternoon that i am going to New York City in the first week of December! i am going for what they call an encounter weekend... more to follow on that later. kinda like a retreat weekend, but not. i am stoked! and better yet, the church is footing the bill for the plane ticket and such, so i can't complain about that! my life is just crazy anymore! i will fill in more as i can.

on another note, i am finally getting my laptop all setup the way i like it... i love it! its going to be so nice for traveling. i am so glad that God provided it for me to use. i tried the wireless internet today.. its so awesome! talk about convinient... it will be really good for when i am out and about.

and finally, i am speaking at youth group tomorrow night. that is kinda scary, but i am really excited about it, too! i have my message mostly ready, but i should prolly be going over it a little more...

anyway, i have another very busy day coming up tomorrow, so i should prolly go and get some rest. its going to be another crazy week, as they all seem to be anymore! g'night all...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

fun stuff

i got a laptop today! fun stuff...

details to follow.

Friday, October 22, 2004


moving forward... tomorrow we give our notice on our appt. so? just going to have to find a place to live. the nice thing is that i will be able to save a lot more money. that is a good thing. other than that? looks like i am going to England in march! moving forward...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

time for a vacation.

i think i need a vacation. but? i prolly won't get one. oh, well. i thnk i am going to retreat to my room w/ a cup of tea and just read for a while. so, g'night all...

Friday, October 15, 2004

food for thought...

i just got done watching the movie 'Saved'. yes, i am making a public admission that i did indeed watch it. what can i say? anyhow... while i don't know that i would really recommend it... its not a wonderful movie. however, it was interesting to see how the rest of the world views Christianity, at least to some degree. while its theology left a lot to be desired, it did show how ridiculous we look sometimes! and, how hypocrisy and a little moral ambiguity can sure destroy any credibility that we might gain. on the flip side, an inability to be real can be just as much of a turn off... anyhow... made me think more than most movies i watch, lol!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

yeah baby, yeah...!

happy belated birthday to me!

yeah, getting older... 22 now. what can i say? doesn't feel much different than 21. really no different. but, maybe i will be able to make it a year to remember... on another note, it looks like there is a good chance i will be going somewhere, quite possibly England, after the first of the year. England looks like the clear favorite at the moment, so? i am pretty excited about that! but, now its time to head to work, so off i go to make my monies...

Monday, October 04, 2004


tonight i have been overcome with a wave of actue lonliness... something that i haven't felt in a long time... kinda wierd.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

where the heck did September go?!?

i sure don't know. seems to be all kind of a blur.