
Monday, September 27, 2004

g'morning all

just had a few minutes to kill before i have to head off to the working world, so i thought that i would say hullo to all my faithful readers... LOL.

its another monday morning, and i guess i can't complain. i don't think there is ever really anything good to say about a monday morning, but i guess i don't have anything bad to say right now, either. i do know that on friday i have to be a pallbearer at a funeral! not really looking forward to that, but? such is the way of life. anyhow, time to go...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

yup yup

nothing like pizza pockets for dinner!


so, life has been interesting the last few weeks, and only looks to get more so. had a great conversation w/ my pastor last night over dinner, and really opened up some things to me. i'm not gonna say toomuch at this point, but? lets just say that the subway just pulled into the station, and it looks like all the doors are opening, and all i'm going to have to do is decide where to get a ticket to...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


here and gone
you lead me wrong
not by bad intention
you tried to stay
and make a way
but you failed to mention
that you loved still
against your will
the one you had before
so now its gone
and i'll move on
and hope for it no more


tonight i am tired. i don't know why, really. i worked a good day, but not overly crazy. maybe i just need to catch up on sleep or something. i don't know, really. we had Bible study here again tonight. we finished up w/ Galations, and next week are moving into Romans. should be good stuff, i think. other than that? nothig too exciting going on in my life, honestly. g'night.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


This is funny.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

yeah, so what?

so... life is crazy. i think girls may really be the devil. not sure, but it is a distinct possibility. but? life goes on, with or without me, and i don't choose to let it go on without me. i think we have seemingly found a way to resolve this complicated situation w/ the girl, and all that, without any real casualties. with a little luck, i think its all going to turn out okay. (fingers crossed) other than that? stayed up way too late last night, but i'm still awake, so i can't complain too much. who knows what will go in the long run, but i think it will all be okay for the time being.

not really too much else to comment on in my life at the moment, i guess. i will be glad to not have to think about girls for a while. oy. what a mess. will give me some time to focus on some other things, like my relationship with God... which is always a good thing.

on another note, it is supposed to be cold all week here... :( but, such is the way of the seasons, i suppose. not too much that can be done about that. well, i guess i am done rambling for the moment...

Monday, September 13, 2004

so, maybe not...

yeah, so the girlfriend thing didn't go as well as hoped.

6 days, and its officailly over. but, it is a pleasant split, and one that i do think is best considering everything. all of which i am not prepared to get into right now. lets just say that we will be returning to life as friends, and i think i am okay with that. at least at the moment......

Thursday, September 09, 2004

just in case you didn't know...

i thought i would tell ya...

i have a girlfriend now... yeah, its pretty darn cool. and yeah, it is the girl i talked about here.

yeah, so, that's all i say at the moment... g'night all...